Pinwheel Pizzazz Quilt
Jan 24, 2024
I started teaching some local folks beginner quilting classes, I am super impressed with everyones progress and am so happy that they have all decided to join the guild. If your guild is struggling with memberships I would suggest this path. The kicker is you have to do it in the evening. I meet the folks at 6PM to 8PM, and everyone is a keener (Canadian slang for capable and intrested). We are doing a disappearing 9 patch.
I know I've said this before but I really must say it again, I am a sucker for a rainbow! Whenever I see a rainbow wash-style or row quilt I get happy. My brilliant client Julie went at it again and brought this scrappy rainbow row quilt to me for some custom quilting.
When I am looking at a quilt that I am trying to design I always start by looking at it as a whole. When I looked at this quilt I saw the vividly coloured circles and noticed how there was a row of these circle blocks that were black going around the centre coloured blocks. I also took note that the colours were aligned together in a diagonal layout.
I had a moment of inspiration! What if I continued the colour diagonally into the black block by using coloured thread? I thought this was a great idea, even if it means I have to change the thread colour every 5 minutes (hahaha oh well).
I also wanted to differentiate between the blocks and their colours by style. So I came up with a similar sort of star shape in each block with a different kinda of flair.
I used a pretty impressive number of rulers for this but I think that all of the effort rendered a great outcome and a happy unique quilt.
As usual, I did have some last-minute changes to the design but nothing too extreme. Julie makes quite a few quilts and I am so happy she is open to fun ideas. Thanks, Julie!
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