Mrs. Quilty Review - Bait and Switch

2024 mrs.quilty review Oct 09, 2024
Mrs. Quilty bait and switch review

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Mrs. Quilty Video Review

A company that represented Mrs. Quilty contacted me early last year (2023) and wanted me to make a testimonial video for them in exchange for 2 free boxes.  After a little research and reading through the media package they sent me I decided that Mrs. Quilty and I weren't a match and I wasn't going to work with nor endorse their subscription box.  But after being BOMBARDED these past few months by what I consider Bait and Switch advertising I had to order a box for myself and do this review. 

The box cost me $33.74 US including $5 US shipping to Washington.  I hopped over the line from Canada and picked up my box, which would have cost $13 US to ship to my door in British Columbia.  I did plug in some addresses from Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.  Shipping was still pretty reasonable being under $14 US. 

I found the website annoying and the upselling exhausting.  I just wanted the box, not all this other stuff.  My box did come with some free downloadable products, like a quilting journal, planner, and beginner guide.

Here is what I received in the box:

Now I'm not sure I agree with the values pictured here, but the fabric quality was OK.  Personally, I am not a fan of any of these fabrics or in all honesty any of these projects.  But I knew that coming into this. 

It took me a long time to go through the entire quilting magazine/booklet that comes in the box.  This is what Mrs. Quilty claims to be a good point for a beginner to start on a quilting journey.   I disagree. 

I made the quilt block, and with my 14 years of piecing experience, I was successful. 

But I've taught people who are absolute beginner quilters, and I would never suggest this block to be their first!  This block deals with half-square triangles, strip piecing, and the cutting instructions were not correct!  

I reviewed the other three projects and would also NOT recommend them to a beginner quilter. I did some digging through YouTube and in the description under my video I posted some links to some great beginner videos. 

If you are a quilter who is coming back into quilting from a hiatus or a person with a sewing background who wants to make some little projects, this might be a cute box for you.

One of my biggest gripes about this box is the lack of materials to start and finish a project, a beginner quilter isn't going to know that they should use thermal batting in a pot holder.  This is dangerous and in my opinion not mentioned properly in the instructions.  In order to complete the projects in this box you would need to purchase another 1/2 meter/yard of fabric.  I don't have a fabric store in my town, so what would a beginner do?  These are little things but they add up and shouldn't be advertised to a beginner.

Advertising.... OMG.  


THIS IS NOT A REAL PATTERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is all AI-generated BS.  These patterns do not exist and Mrs. Quilty is selling these boxes under false pretense.  I am so frustrated and angry...  What a crock of crap.  

Some people seem to be catching on that this isn't real but many more are being sucked in.  I joined the Facebook group and Mrs. Quilty was coming under some fire for not providing the patterns that they were promising so they finally released a cat-stuffy pattern...

Who do they think they are kidding? These images do all the speaking.  I posted some links to some beginner-friendly stuffy videos if you want to make a stuffed animal. 

If you want to see me lose it a little bit over this false advertising go watch the video 😂. 

Mrs. Quilty Review Video

Let me know if you want to see more content that isn't all just longarm-based.  Remember to leave a comment on the video for a chance to win the 2nd fat quarter bundle. 

Interested in longarm quilting? Online courses? A free checklist to help you get over Quilter's Block? Check out Quilting Curve Studio's Homepage for more content. 


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