Blocks Series - Modern Feathers - Block 6

2023 block 6 block series modern feathers May 17, 2023
Mondern Feather Quilting Block 6 Title

I am officially halfway through this quilt!  I kinda went off of my sketched plan this week. I felt like the quilt block needed some extra pizzazz.  But I'm a little ahead of myself.  If you would prefer to skip right to the video the link can be found here:

and here is a link to the panel and pattern information:


Alright now that the housekeeping is out of the way.  Here is the original scrappy version I quilted. 

I know I say this every week, but there is nothing wrong with this quilt block, it just didn't scream modern quilting to me.   So I went back to the drawing board and came up with this idea.

I liked this a bit better because of the cleaner lines.  Finally here is a photo of the block finished with modern feathers and rulerwork quilting. 

I think my favourite part is how the curved line looks like it is running behind the green box. Echo lines for the win here. 

On the personal side. My youngest daughter has been invited to visit France this summer.  She will stay with the same host family my eldest stayed with last year.  I am very excited for her, she is 16. 

Just as Covid was becoming more real up here in rural Canada I had just started lecturing about longarm quilting in person and was devastated by my short-lived career, but I have been invited to teach in real life again!  I will be teaching at a festival called FiberFeelia in New Denver, British Columbia, Canada.  I am very excited! Here is a link to the Festival if anyone is in the Slocan Valley area at the end of June. 


Cheers til next week! 


Interested in longarm quilting? Online courses? A free checklist to help you get over Quilter's Block? Check out Quilting Curve Studio's Homepage for more content. 


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