Farm House Quilted Table Topper
Jan 10, 2024
I am the vice president of our local guild (Sunshine Quilters) but since Covid, we have been suffering with low membership and attendance rates. I feel like most of the other guilds in our area are experiencing the same issues, which leads me to believe that most guilds, especially in rural areas, are probably the same.
I have decided to take this into my own hands and offer free (well the cost of a yearly guild membership, haha, sneaky, sneaky) quilting lessons to folks in my area on Tuesday nights for January and February. I was expecting a couple of people but the response was impressive. I have one full class (4) and a waiting list (7).
I am not a master piecer but we just had our second lesson and I am seriously impressed with the progress we are making already.
Wish me luck!
But you are here for the quilt candy I suspect lol. Here is Joan's table topper.
Joan loves using these dusty farmers' prints (as she was a farm woman for most of her life), and I thought that these little feather motifs suited her vibe.
Note that I did use a line of stitching to separate the motif from the piecework. This is an important element as it allows both the piecework and the quilting to stand alone as features.
The designs are pretty traditional because I felt this suited the vibe of the quilt top.
Quilt design isn't always easy but I love coming up with ideas to enhance the quilt tops that come into my studio and I think this one came out well. Simple and Effective.
Interested in longarm quilting? Online courses? A free checklist to help you get over Quilter's Block? Check out Quilting Curve Studio's Homepage for more content.
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