Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 9
Jul 31, 2024
The frame I sketched for this week's video is a little more complicated and required a little marking so all of the lines matched up. You can find the video here:
I used my Quilted Pineapple #15 for the curved lines.
Once I had done the first foundation lines I lined up my ruler and put a little mark so that when I moved into the next section I could line up my ruler just right so the lines all looked correct. You wouldn't necessarily have to do this but it just made sense to my brain at the time 🤣
I really like how this frame came together! it looks very cool.... until I quilt it hahaha, I swear this spinny wheel has it out for me!
Spoiler Alert
Seriously, you couldn't get two designs that look as similar as these! If I ever give this a go again I'm making two wheels with contrasting designs just for variety. Oh well.
I struggled to fit the swirl flower into this space. Ugh, it just kills me that there is no contrast. I am learning so much from this little experiment.
I hope everyone is having a great summer. I have been spending as much time outside as possible, winter is always just on the horizon so I take as much advantage to get out and go camping in my van.
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