Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 7
Jul 17, 2024
So on this block, I am going to use a curved ruler. If you haven't used a curved ruler before I cover all the beginner steps in my course Modern Quilting with Rulers. Just remember to adjust your curved ruler slightly as you're going to get a perfect 1/2" echo.
This was the concept that I came up with, I added one extra line to separate the fillers from the piecework
I like this frame a lot, but I am a sucker for curved lines 😄. Luckily the spinny wheel cooperated a little today and we got a couple of contrasting designs.
So we got Cube Blocks and Cucumber Vine. I am very good at Cucumber Vine, I've been doing this design for a long time I was originally introduced to this design by Leah Day I would be lying to say I didn't struggle with the cube blocks a bit. I'm noticing through this journey that I struggle more with straight and or pointy designs. But that's why I came up with this challenge so mission accomplished.
I do like the contrast between these two designs and I love this frame too. A successful block today. thanks for watching and reading.
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