Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 5

2024 frames and fillers youtube Jul 03, 2024
Frames and Fillers Block 5

I cannot believe how fast summer is going!  I hope everyone enjoyed The long weekend.  June was such a busy month; hopefully, we can settle into a nice lazy summer routine.   Growing up in Northern British Columbia I had a deep respect for summer instilled in me.  I truly try never to let a sunny day go by without sitting on the river bank for a bit.  My partner and I try and start work as the sun rises so we can book off work early and enjoy as much of summer as possible, winter is always on the horizon. 

Anyhow here is the link to this week's block video.

YouTube Video Link

Rainbow Quilt Top Instructions

This week's frame is one of my all-time favourites and I love how it came out looking on this giant block.

I realize that the frames in this series are mostly straightforward, and that is by design.  If you like my style and want to learn more from me at your own pace I encourage you to check out my Modern Quilting with Rulers Course.

Modern Quilting With Rulers Online Course


SPOILER ALERT - Surprise Fillers Ahead


I think these fillers look brilliant together!  I never just do double pebble, I always mix them up into the mixed pebble style filler.  I am surprised how much I really like how it looks. You will notice that I varied the sizes a lot, this definitely makes the design more interesting.  

Swirls are a cornerstone of quilting.  The swirl is also a cornerstone in nature, mathematics and art.  When I was writing this blog post I decided to do a little research... and fell down a rabbit hole.  But the conclusion I have come to is that you can pair swirls with pretty much anything 🤣.

I hope next week's block is as good as this week!





Interested in longarm quilting? Online courses? A free checklist to help you get over Quilter's Block? Check out Quilting Curve Studio's Homepage for more content. 


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