Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 16
Sep 18, 2024
This is the final frame and the last fillers for this series! I have had a blast practicing my filler designs and coming up with some of these frames.
YouTube Video
Quilt Top Instructions
This last frame is a bit of a doozy (finishing strong). Here is the sketch.
I used a large round 10" ruler to create the first line of these circles and my Quilted Pineapple #10 for the echo lines. I liked the idea of having these rings look like they were interconnected but ultimately decided it would be simpler to just have one layered over the other for this quilt. If I was making them interconnected I would have drawn it out so I could create that look seamlessly, but his series isn't about marking.
Even though this was the easier way to go I think it's still quite effective and looks cool. Putting this much effort into a frame for a block does limit where you might want to use this idea. For example, I wouldn't use this on a busy fabric where my hard work won't show. There are only two designs left on the spinny wheel!
Spoiler Alert!
Pebble Bump and Stipple. I am so entertained by the fact that stipple was the last design on the wheel but it was the first design I learned, hahaha. Pebble Bump is a fast easy way to fill an area without having to make perfect endless pebbles. It's a nice fast design that I really enjoy stitching. I also love stipple. I use stipple mostly for baby quilts because it creates just a perfect texture for little ones. But I also use it scaled down into a micro stipple on applique quilts or other areas to create depth, on this block I decided to scale down but not all the way to a micro stipple, if you do a micro stipple make sure to increase your stitches per inch so you get nice round curves (I am at 12 spi).
Oh, and I needed a third filler, and can you believe I spun pebbles AGAIN?!
I am going to have one last video on the other areas of this quilt to show you what I did, and that is the end of the series! See ya next week!
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