Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 15
Sep 11, 2024
This is the second to last block of this quilting series!!! Don't worry I am going to have one last video and blog post about how I quilted the other areas of this top on the 25th of September. This frame is one of my personal favourites of the series.
I used my Quilted Pineapple #10 for this block, I really wish I could get you a discount code for these amazing rulers, but alas this is not in my power. I know how expensive they are but in my opinion, they are the best rulers for anyone serious about their curved ruler work (I don't even own them all myself, yet).
Here is my sketch for this block.
I just love curves so much!!! I don't think this block could ever go out of style (especially after you see what awesome fillers we got).
I like how this could break up a really big block (even a nine-patch). It would also work across a large simple square quilt filled with different fillers.... Anyhow onward to the fillers!
Spoiler Alert
Pebble Pop and Bricks! Finally, I have been waiting for the spinny wheel to land on both of these designs. Last week I mentioned how mixed pebble was my favourite filler, well that might have to move aside for pebble pop. I just think pebble pop is the ultimate texture filler, this filler creates its own contrast! It could probably be paired with any other design on this wheel and look great. Although the bricks design is no slouch either (and there is a ton of contrast between these designs.
I use the bricks design most often when I'm quilting applique quilts with houses, and house blocks too. I think, that after seeing this design quilted on the white fabric it could be utilized in more ways and I think that is worth exploring more.
If you love pebble pop too and want to see an entire Modern Quilting Series with that design here is the YouTube Playlist on that!
The last block is next week!
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