Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 13
Aug 28, 2024
The lazy days of summer are drawing to a close, actually, who am I kidding it's been an awesome busy summer! This Frame is simple, but it might be a little more difficult to work into some blocks. Maybe it could be used turned in opposite directions around a center block.
Here is my original sketch. I decided to put the echo on the inside to preserve the nice clean points.
Spoiler Alert...
I like how these two fillers contrasted each other today! We got Matchstick and Sharp Stippling. When matchstick came around on the spinny wheel I was a little scared because I just didn't know how I was going to work it into this block (I knew it would come eventually but was hoping for a different frame 😆)
But I think I was able to successfully execute it. I suppose the only really noticeable mistake is the twisted seam in the center (Oh well, it has been noted and I will make sure not to do it again).
The Sharp Stipple is a fantastic design that works up really fast and adds a much different texture than regular stippling. Leah Day is the first person I saw do this design and you can watch her video on it here:
Leah Day's Sharp Stipple Video
Make sure to check out my Modern Quilting with Rulers online course if you want more in-depth videos.
Thanks for watching!
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