Quilting Frames and Fillers - Block 11
Aug 14, 2024
I can't believe we are already half way through August! Summer has gone past way too fast, I know some folks are ready for fall but that is not me. I would take a hot summer day over any day. Well this week I have a nice big frame ready for some fillers!
I used the same ruler this week as I did last week, Quilted Pineapple #15. I unfortunately don't have a code for these rulers but I do for my favourite other rulers, the Silly Moon Quilt Co. Rulers. If you use code:
You can get 10% OFF
Here is my sketch of this week's frame. It kinda looks fish eyebally. Curved cross-hatching would go really well into this frame, it could also be used to frame some fussy cutting.
I'm stitching this out on quite a large scale, so there is a lot of space for some awesome fillers!
Spoiler Alert...
Whoohooo finally we got some contrasting fillers this week! Peapod and Spiral Pebble. The Peapod design is definitely one of my all-time favourites. It takes some practice but it is very striking. Usually, I work this design into a mixed pebble type of filler, as I did in this video:
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