Blue Flower Applique Quilt

2024 applique quilt freemotion quilting Feb 28, 2024
Flue Flower Applique Quilt with Free Motion Quilting

I had a little chuckle to myself when I opened up Monette's quilt package and found another flower wall hanging.  I had quilted some of these same wall hangings for Monette several months earlier.  We chatted about how she would like this one quilted (Monette usually leaves the overall design to me with some simple input or small request).  She asked if I would add some more stitching on the applique as she likes dense quilting.  So I decided to treat the blue one similarly to the others with some extra details. 

If you would like to watch the NEW video of the blue wall hanging you can find the link here:


I also made a version of this video with minimal editing all in real-time stitching:

LONG VERSION (about an hour)

And if you would like to watch the other video of the other two wall hangings being quilted you can find that video here:

Swirls vs. McTavishing


I didn't have to do a lot of planning for this project as I already had quilted 2 😆.  So with my previous experience and knowing my clients taste pretty well I decided to go with a swirl chain again and add some extra designs to the pebble pop filler I had used on the original wall hanging. 

Here is a photo of the first two that I quilted.

I paid a lot of attention to the background and although I think this is enough quilting, they don't belong to me and I am more than happy to add more quilting! 

I suppose it is a bit of a quilter conversation as to whether or not to quilt on top of appliques.  Personally, I'm good with the idea, but I do always like to make sure that the appliques are the focal point of the quilt.  With that in mind, I needed to come up with something that would compliment the quilt and add some pizazz to the appliques.  I decided this was also best done with matching thread so as not to overshadow the flowers and leaves.  Here was my idea.

Monette loves feathers and feathers suited the shape of these petals very well.

I did end up using three different blue threads, two greens, and a yellow thread on the appliques. 

It's always fun to re-quilt a quilt that you've quilted before.  You have a good idea where to place designs or what might work better a second (or third) time around. 

What really took the longest time was outlining all of the applique

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed quilting these three wall hangings so much is because other than the outline of the applique I used only free-motion quilting and no marking!  Hahaha, that is not usual for my usual style.

I forgot to take a flat photo of this gorgeous wall hanging but I do have this one. 

I hope you enjoy the video.

Thanks for taking the time to finish reading to the bottom of this post!  Happy Quilting. 


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