Another Be Colourful Festival Quilt

2024 be colourful May 29, 2024
Another Be Colourful Fesival Blog Post

Okay, I have quilted at least two of these Festival quilts (designed by BeColourful Quilts Jacqueline de Jonge).  I honestly cannot remember which East Kootenay quilter sent this one but I do know that this particular group of quilters are talented and prolific 😄.  When I start getting multiple quilt tops of the same design I can get a little bit of quilter's block trying to make the quilt look different from the next. 

If you're into videos I do have one Be Colourful YouTube Video.

If you get stuck on how to quilt things, check out the Quilter's Block Checklist 

If you want to see how I quilted the other Festival quilt top check out the blog post Custom Quilting a BeColourful Quilt Top

I knew that this quilt wanted feathers on it so here were some of the ideas I came up with to quilt this top.

One of the most difficult things about these BeColourful quilt tops is the ombre fabrics, which are beautiful but very difficult to choose a thread colour for.  The last time I quilted one of these I used a rainbow variegated thread.  On this quilt, I decided to use a gold-coloured thread, when in doubt go GOLD!  

I chose some go-to designs for this quilt top, such as dot-to-dot quilting, pebbles, feathers, and piano keys.  When we work within the small piecing parameters of these paper pieced quilts there are limitations to what fits with the piecing to make sure we are adding to the quilt and not detracting or taking over.  When clients bring a quilt like this to a longarmer, there is a lot of trust being given to said longarmer.  These types of quilts take a lot of skill, time, and money to make.  They are professionally designed to look a certain way and we need to respect and appreciate that.  I'm planning an entire lecture around these types of difficult quilts to present on an upcoming cruise with Susan Smith and Bethanne Nemesh.  You can find information about that here:

Quilting Cruise January 2025

Anyhow here are some more photos!

Thanks for reading this week!  Next week I will be embarking on my summer quilting series!  This series is going to be mostly YouTube-based but with a blog component so you are in the right place for all the behind-the-scenes!  


Interested in longarm quilting? Online courses? A free checklist to help you get over Quilter's Block? Check out Quilting Curve Studio's Homepage for more content. 


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